Limb Loss

Limb loss or amputation is the surgical removal of parts of the body, such as an arm or leg.  This maybe required due to an injury caused by an accident or because of diseases, diabetes,blood clots  or surgical  removal of tumors from bones or muscles.

Life after a Limb Loss can be very challenging physically, emotionally and mentally, but there are organisations who can provide you with lots of information and support. Knowing you are not alone and sharing you experiences knowledge meeting other people who have experienced the same can help you to a happy fulfilled life.

Helpful resources

Logo for MS Trust

Amputation Foundation

The Amputation Foundation can assist amputees with many of their support needs. They provide information that will be relevant to starting a new life as an amputee which will include benefits advice, legal support, prosthetic centre advice, education and training and much more.

Logo for MS Society


No matter what your situation or need Macmillan can find a way to help you. Whether you need advice and guidance or emotional support they will make a difference.

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REACH is the leading charity providing support and information to parents and their children affected by upper limb difference. It is a friendly, caring place offering fun activities to encourage Reach children to aim higher.


Limbcare offer hope , advice and peer support to Amputee/Limb Impaired indiividuals, communities, families and others impacted around them

Limbless Association

LA support you and your family with a range of services and resources pre and post amputation. Whatever your query they will aim to help.

Steel Bones

Steel Bones is community-based and provides direct support where there is a geographical or service need and provides advice, guidance or signposting to relevant services to help amputee families navigate the complex, and often confusing, amputee support landscape.

Finding your Feet

Support for Indiviiduals and families affected by amputation or limb absence through a range of sporting initiatives and social inclusion projects designed to positively affect both physical and mental wellbeing.


The NHS website provides you with free articles, videos, tools and advice to help you make the best choices in adapting to life with limb loss

Douglas Bader Association

The Douglas Bader Foundation exists to advance and promote the physical, mental and spiritual welfare of persons who are born without or have lost one or more limbs, or are otherwise physically disabled.

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